New Life Birmingham is both a nontraditional and traditional church that has the focus of restoring life and healing to those who have been broken and are in need of restoration, rejuvenation and revelation on how to reach his or her full potential in Christ Jesus.
The church’s aim is to help build lives, families and homes for the enlargement of God’s Kingdom. Love and compassion for the people of God are cornerstones upon which New Life is founded; therefore, strengthening our commitment of ensuring God’s glory is continuously revealed.
On September 7, 2013, God spoke New Life Birmingham into the spirit of Senior Pastor Terry Ellison through a direct impartation that was birthed under the auspices of the church being not just a ministry but rather a “Move of God”. The Holy Spirit implanted within Pastor Ellison the heart to build; not just facilities but other churches within various cities around the nation that would be a part of the Apostolic dimension of God’s anointing. As God downloaded within him the blueprint by which to build, He also gave to him the direct command to “Pursue” along with the faith and the courage to step out on God’s word. God also promised that if Pastor Ellison remained on the wall of God’s will and if he continued to walk in the arena of God’s divine revelation, He would instill within him the ability and the anointing to build and to plant leadership teams and churches beyond normal parameters that would be committed to the call of “Souls First” which is the premise of the church’s vision and goals.
New Life Birmingham is a nontraditional church that has the focus of restoring life and healing to those who have been broken and are in need of restoration, rejuvenation and revelation on how to reach his or her full potential in Christ Jesus. The church’s aim is to help build lives, families and homes for the enlargement of God’s Kingdom. Love and compassion for the people of God are cornerstones upon which New Life is founded; therefore, strengthening our commitment of ensuring God’s glory is continuously revealed.
Unlike hotels that rate themselves as being on a five star level of excellence, New Life Birmingham is committed to a level of excellence that sets them apart from any other. We are fully persuaded, with the vision that God has shown to us, the services rendered will reflect that of a six star level of God’s excellence and mirrored image being seen.
New Life Birmingham is committed to providing a worship experience that will leave all that partake of yearning for more; confident that a closer walk with God will be established in the hearts, minds and lives of many. With the vision of the church being grounded on “Souls First”, the worship experience will be one that is different from the traditional setting but rather one that is shifting in the direction that God is moving. The praise and worship team will help to lead those into the atmosphere of God’s Spirit; however, the Word of God will be delivered through an extraordinary measure known as “hologram”. A hologram is a three dimensional video of an individual as if he or she were actually present; therefore, portraying many aspects of a personal experience in which the Pastor will be able to both see and hear the congregation during his sermon despite being physically located in another city. The Senior Pastor will be present for weekly Bible studies on Wednesday nights as well as during many Sunday night services.
New Life Birmingham is far from being another ministry, but rather a move of God that will serve as a catalyst for planting other churches in and around the country. With the commitment of “Souls First” New Life Birmingham is committed to carrying out the vision of God; for behold God is doing a new thing and New Life Birmingham is springing forth.