New Life Birmingham is both a traditional and a nontraditional church that has the focus of restoring life and healing to those who have been broken and are in need of restoration, rejuvenation and revelation on how to reach his or her full potential in Christ Jesus. The church’s aim is to help build lives, families and homes for the enlargement of God’s Kingdom. Love and compassion for the people of God are cornerstones upon which New Life is founded; therefore, strengthening our commitment of ensuring God’s glory is continuously revealed.
Our various ministries help us to carry out the vision in yielding six star service to everyone who comes in contact with us. Complete the Volunteer Form and get involved today!

Click here to First Impressions is a ministry of love and serves with a spirit of excellence by rolling out the red carpet and providing seven star service to each person who enters the campus. They bring a positive change to the environment that is conducive to show love and compassion for the entire church. The First Impressions Ministry serves in respective areas of the church mainly to greet, welcome, direct, and offer information to our members, visitors, and guests.

Click here to The Follow-Up Ministry is a ministry filled with the power to encourage and educate new comers to Christ. They teach action packed classes that provide the foundation of having a relationship with God.

Click here to Our mission is to introduce youth to Jesus Christ in a manner that transforms their lives by encouraging them to develop a personal relationship with Him at a young age. We have action packed youth services each Sunday led by our youth. The youth are on fire and have a heart of worship and passion for God through dance, step team, youth choir, youth praise team, mime, and more.

Click here to The Marriage Ministry enhances the quality of life for married couples, couples in crisis, and premarital couples by having counseling sessions, seminars, fellowships, retreats, etc. This ministry ensures that all couples experience God’s best for their marriage and their families in a way that transforms communities.

Click here to The Security Ministry provides security of the entire campus as well as the safety of leadership, members, and guests. This ministry is purposefully placed throughout the church to protect and maintain order on the campus.

Click here to The Multi-Media Ministry is passionate about having various ways for you to be able to stay connected with what’s happening at New Life Bham We want you to have the seven star worship experience! So, we spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the use of state-of-the-art audio and visual technology including but not limited to Audio, Video, Graphics, Lighting, E-Bookstore, Social Media, Live Streaming, etc.