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 Become a Kingdom Partner

We invite you to partner with New Life Birmingham. We believe that partnership is one of the most powerful things that can happen to advance the Kingdom of God. There’s something powerful that happens when we see the world through the eyes of God - when we recognize needs and hurting people and respond by joining our faith, energy and resources together to impact lives for Jesus Christ! This is what we experience when God divinely connects people to our ministry as partners to help fulfill His will in the earth.When you partner with New Life Birmingham, we also want to pour into your life by providing you with monthly teachings. Together we can do greater things for the Kingdom! We ask that you prayerfully consider partnering with us as we share the love of God and reach as many souls as possible for Jesus Christ. Amos 9:13 says “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him that soweth seed; and the mountains shall drop sweet wine, and all the hills shall melt”. As you sow into the ministry, we believe that God will do EXTREME things in your life and the blessings of God will overtake you!

Platinum -- $75 per month or $900 annually

Includes a copy of Pastor Ellison’s book, He Erased the Scar.

Includes “The Principles of the Kingdom of God” DVD set

8 Monthly Teaching DVDs







Gold -- $50 per month or $600 annually

Includes “The Principles of the Kingdom of God” DVD set

4 Monthly Teaching DVDs







Silver -- $35 per month or $420 annually

Includes 4 Monthly Teaching DVDs







Bronze -- $20 per month or $240 annually

Includes 4 Monthly Teaching CDs

Annual Packages

Monthly Packages

​Find us: 

9553 Parkway East, Birmingham, AL 35215


Call us: 205-201-6053

© 2017 New Life Birmingham.

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