Membership Form

Membership at New Life Birmingham is not about adding your name to a church roster; it's about connecting with a ministry that is focused on building lives and families. Restoring life and healing to those who have been broken and are in need of restoration, rejuvenation and revelation on how to reach his or her full potential in Christ Jesus through the biblical principles of the Word of God. Love and compassion for the people of God and serving with the spirit of excellence are the cornerstones upon which New Life is founded; therefore, strengthening our commitment of ensuring God’s glory is continuously revealed.
We want you to join New Life Birmingham! Pray and seek God’s direction on if this is the ministry for you. You have the option of becoming a Member or an Extended Family Member.
What are the differences?
New Life Birmingham Member A New Life Birmingham Member is one who has heard from God that this is the ministry for him or her and will have all rights and privileges of being a member.
New Life Birmingham Extended Family Member A New Life Birmingham Extended Family Member is one who is in between churches and is waiting on direction from God. As an Extended Family Member, you are eligible to get involved in the ministry.